Popular Brazilian Dishes

Popular Brazilian Dishes

Chicken Coxinha

Coxinha, also known as frango coxinha or coxinha de crio, is one of Brazil’s most popular salgados (savory appetizers). It consists of chicken meat and cheese that are cleverly shaped into a little drumstick and breaded and deep-fried. Coxinha is said to have originated around Sao Paulo in the nineteenth century. Its story is that the chef of a royal family had to use chicken thighs instead of beef, so she shredded the meat and covered it with flour before shaping it into a drumstick shape. The dish caught on, and today, it’s a staple at Brazilian parties.

To prepare the dough, pour the chicken stock into a large saucepan and add the flour bit by bit. Stir the mixture vigorously as it begins to form. Once the dough has formed, remove it from the heat and set it aside to cool. Once the dough has cooled, place it in the fridge and allow it to rest overnight.

While the dough is resting, make the filling. Place a small scoop, about 1 TBSP, of the chicken salad in the center of each dough portion. Pinch the dough together to seal, and shape it into a little drumstick or teardrop. Repeat the process with the remaining dough portions and filling.

To bread the coxinhas, place a bowl of milk and an egg in one hand, and a bowl of finely seasoned breadcrumbs in the other hand. First, dip the coxinha in the milk/egg mixture, and then evenly coat them with the breadcrumbs. Finally, bring a pot of vegetable oil to 350F and fry them 3-4 at a time, until they are golden brown. Transfer them to a plate lined with paper towel to soak up the excess oil.

Chicken Picanha

Picanha is a popular Brazilian cut of beef that’s usually grilled. This cut of meat is usually covered in a thick layer of fat, which makes it very succulent and flavorful when grilled. If you’re interested in trying this delicious beef cut, then make sure to visit a restaurant that offers it.

Picanha can be a bit intimidating for the average home cook. But with a few helpful tips, you can prepare this delicious meat dish at home! This Brazilian steak is great on its own or served with a variety of side dishes. To make it even more flavorful, you can season it with a few drops of pepper and salt. You can also use a rub or marinade to add more flavor to your meal.

When grilling picanha, it’s important to choose a high-quality steak. Using a well-seasoned rub will enhance its flavors and help the meat to develop a beautiful crust when it’s cooked. It’s also a good idea to use a cast iron grill. This will provide a more consistent heat and help the steak to retain its juices.

Aside from a delicious piece of meat, Beija Flor in LIC also has the best yucca fries and feijoada in town! They also have a good selection of desserts, such as nutella chocolate mousse and condensed milk flan.

The first thing to do when preparing picanha is to score the fat cap. This will allow the fat to render and seep into the rest of the meat as it cooks. Then, place it on a skewer and start cooking it over the grill. You’ll need to turn the skewer several times so that it cooks evenly. Once the steak reaches its desired temperature, it’s ready to serve.


Feijoada (pronounced fay-jwa-dah) is a hearty black bean stew that is traditionally served on Wednesdays and Saturdays in Brazilian homes and restaurants. The dish has a variety of ingredients that make it unique, but feijoada hinges on a core set of flavors and textures. It is a rich and complex meal, often enjoyed during the winter months. It is also a staple during the Carnival, as it provides enough energy for days and nights of festivities. It is a traditional dish for all social classes, and it is commonly eaten in family gatherings. The meal is accompanied by white rice, fried plantains, farofa (fried cassava flour with bacon), and sliced oranges. It is also typically served with caipirinhas or beer.

The recipe for feijoada varies across Brazil, with some regions using different meats and beans. In general, the stew is made with black beans and a variety of meats. Some recipes call for smoked sausage, salted pork, or ham hock, while others include less common cuts like pig ears, tails, and tongue. The dish is traditionally cooked in a clay pot, but a Dutch oven or heavy-bottomed pan can be used as well.

Soaking the beans and meats overnight is recommended in this recipe, as it helps them cook faster. The soaking also helps to dilute the salt in the beans and meats. However, if you’re short on time, the meats can be boiled in water for up to 30 minutes before they are added to the stew. If the beans are too salty, you can add a few peeled potatoes to help absorb some of the flavor. If you’re cooking the feijoada for a large group, it’s important to plan ahead so that all of the ingredients are ready at the same time.

Camarao Alho e Oleo

O camarao alho e olho é un acompanhamento delicioso para varios petiscos, torradas, bruschettas e saladas. Essa receita é muito simples e fácil de preparar.

A carne seleccionada é 100% vegetal e rica em ferro e vitamina B12. Com um sabor maciço e suculento, pode ser feita no churrasqueiro ou servido com qualquer prato principal.

A carne picanha e marinada a base de tempero chimichurri, inspirada nos receitas tradicionais do argentino, que garante melhor maciez e suculencia. E fácil de cozinhar e também saborosa.


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