Paco Do Lumiar Empreendimentos Ltda

Paco Do Lumiar Empreendimentos Ltda

Paco do Lumiar Empreendimentos Ltda is a business located in the city of Lisbon. It operates in the Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction industry.

Moovit makes getting to Paco Do Lumiar easy, whether you’re driving or taking public transit. Get directions and schedules, view live bus or train arrival times, and check out the cost of ride.

1. Location

Find out how to get to Construtora Metropolitana 46.535.260 ltda paco do lumiar in Paco Do Lumiar, Brazil by using Moovit’s free map and directions. You can also find bus and train times to help you plan your trip from a city.

Located in Paco do Lumiar, T H 3 Servicos E Engenharia Ltda is a company that provides a wide range of services. Their services include construction, design, engineering, and project management. They are dedicated to providing the best service possible. Their team has years of experience in the industry. They can help you with your next project.

Fixed phone numbers in Brazil, Maranhao State, Paco do Lumiar consist of a single country code (+55), a two digit area code, and a four digit region code. Browse our sites by region to ensure you’re dialing the correct number. This will help prevent costly mistakes and time delays when calling internationally. Plus, you’ll have access to helpful information like local times, so you never have to worry about calling too late or early again. Moovit is easy to use and makes your life easier.

2. Services

If you’re looking for a hotel or apartment in Paco do Lumiar, there are many different options to choose from. You can find the right one for your budget and needs by using our search tools. You can also read reviews from other guests to get an idea of what to expect when you stay at a particular property. You can also book your stay online to make things easier. This way, you don’t have to worry about whether you’re booking the best possible deal or not.

Moovit is the all-in-one app for public transit, which means that you can easily check bus and train times as well as find out what to do once you’re there. Whether you want to go straight from your house to the office, or you’re planning to visit a friend, Moovit will help you plan your trip easily.

With just a few taps, you can book your ride and share all the important details, including the expected price, with your friends and family members. You can also access customer support and view driver profiles to know more about the person you’re riding with. Uber prioritizes safety, so you can rest assured that your ride will be in good hands.

Fixed phone numbers in Brazil, Maranhao State, Paco do Lumiar consist of a country code (+55), a 2-digit area code, and a 40-digit line code. Using the wrong information could result in costly international calls, so it’s important to understand these codes before you make a call. To help you avoid making these mistakes, we’ve created a page that lists the region and city codes for each state in Brazil. This will ensure you’re calling the correct number.

3. Pricing

Please note that additional fees are not calculated automatically in the total cost and will have to be paid during your stay. These are payable directly at the property and include cribs/extra beds (surcharge), cleaning fees (surcharge) and air conditioning use (surcharge).

Construtora Lima 46.535.260 ltda paco do lumiar is an enterprise located in Brazil. It operates in the Highway, Street and Bridge Construction industry. Its main office is located in Acailandia. Its CNAE number is 968932.

Getting around Paco do Lumiar is easy with Moovit. You can choose to take the bus, train, or a taxi to get to your destination. Moovit’s free maps and live directions make it simple to navigate the city. Over 1.5 million users, including many from Paco Do Lumiar, trust Moovit as their all-in-one transit app. You can check fares, schedules, and arrival times for your trip to Paco do Lumiar from a variety of transportation providers.

Clube de Golfe Paco do Lumiar features a unique two floor covered academy with a 32 bay lake range, various flags and slopes to practise any shot, as well as a large putting green. Designed by Gary Grandstaff, the course offers an array of challenging holes that have been expertly manicured to a high standard. The Academy also has a range of high-tech simulators, as well as the latest coaching techniques to improve your game. The club is open to all ages, and visitors can book their place online or by phone. Fixed phone numbers in Maranhao State, Paco do Lumiar consist of a single country code (+55), a 2 digit area code, and a 4 digit region code. These numbers are also available in the form of mobile numbers, and they feature call forwarding options.

4. Customer Reviews

Whether you’re looking for a golf course, shopping centre or entertainment center, Paco do Lumiar has it all. This suburban city in Maranhao State is known for its lush green spaces and beautiful beaches, but it also offers modern amenities and a thriving arts scene. It is home to several popular attractions, including the Paco do Lumiar Golf Club and Manuel Bernardes College.

If you’re traveling by car, there are a number of parking options available in the area. Many of the nearby parks offer free parking, and they are usually located within walking distance of the city center. Others charge a small fee for parking, but the majority of them are open all day. Those who want to avoid paying the fee may opt for street parking instead.

The city is also home to a number of restaurants, bars and cafes that are popular among locals. Several of these are located along Rua da Cordilha and Avenida de Maranhense, while others can be found on the outskirts of the city. The Paco do Lumiar Market, which is open every weekday, is a great place to pick up fresh produce and other groceries.

There are also several hotels in the area, including the Hotel Paco do Lumiar and the Ibis Hotel. Both of these hotels are conveniently located and feature a variety of amenities. The Ibis Hotel, for example, offers a pool and a restaurant. It is also close to the shopping district.

Getting to Paco Do Lumiar from wherever you are is easy with Moovit. Whether you’re using a smartphone, tablet or computer, you can use Moovit’s simple-to-use map and directions to find the best route to the destination of your choice. You can even get real-time arrival information and see how long it will take to reach your destination.

For more detailed maps and information, you can visit Moovit’s website or download the app. You can also search for specific locations or businesses, as well as compare prices and reviews. In addition, you can access customer support and view driver profiles, which makes it easier to book a ride.


  1. What is an LTDA (Limitada) in Brazil? An LTDA is a type of business structure in Brazil that is similar to a limited liability company (LLC) in other countries. It offers limited liability protection to its owners and is a popular choice for small and medium-sized businesses.
  2. How do I start an LTDA in Paco do Lumiar? To start an LTDA in Paco do Lumiar, you typically need to follow these steps:
    • Choose a business name and check its availability.
    • Draft and sign an LTDA contract, which outlines the company’s structure and operation.
    • Register your business with the appropriate government authorities, which may include municipal and state agencies.
    • Obtain an Employer Identification Number (CNPJ).
    • Comply with tax and regulatory requirements.
    • Pay any applicable registration fees.
  3. What are the main advantages of forming an LTDA in Brazil? Some advantages of forming an LTDA in Brazil include limited liability protection for owners, flexibility in management, and relatively straightforward registration and operation processes.
  4. What are the main responsibilities of LTDA owners in Paco do Lumiar? LTDA owners, known as “sócios” in Brazil, have various responsibilities, including:
    • Contributing capital to the company.
    • Managing the business or appointing managers.
    • Complying with tax and regulatory obligations.
    • Following the terms outlined in the LTDA contract.
  5. What are the tax implications of operating an LTDA in Brazil? LTDAs are subject to various taxes in Brazil, including income tax, social security contributions, and state-level taxes. The specific tax obligations can vary depending on the nature of the business and its location, so it’s essential to consult with a tax professional for guidance.
  6. Is there a minimum capital requirement for an LTDA in Paco do Lumiar? The minimum capital requirement for an LTDA in Brazil can vary depending on the state and the type of business. It’s advisable to check with local authorities or a legal expert to determine the specific capital requirement for Paco do Lumiar.
  7. How do I dissolve or close an LTDA in Paco do Lumiar? To dissolve an LTDA in Paco do Lumiar, you typically need to follow legal procedures, including settling debts, notifying authorities, and liquidating assets. Consult with a legal professional to ensure you follow the correct steps.
  8. Where can I find more information about LTDAs in Paco do Lumiar? You can find more information about LTDAs and specific requirements for Paco do Lumiar by contacting local government offices, business associations, or consulting with legal and accounting professionals experienced in Brazilian business regulations.

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