Hip 12m B2bkorosectechcrunch Review

Hip 12m B2bkorosectechcrunch Review

Hip – 12m B2B Korosectech Crunch

Hip 12m B2bkorosectechcrunch is a platform connecting companies with shuttle and bus providers. The company uses blockchain technology to match companies to the right providers. This enables them to avoid the costs of operating multiple vehicles and increase efficiency. It also provides a reliable transportation solution for corporate travelers. It is also developing an app to make the booking process simpler and more convenient.

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Hip platform connects companies to bus and shuttle providers

Hip 12m B2bkorosectechcrunch works with companies to meet the needs of their employees, no matter where they are located. Through its proprietary internal tool, companies can upload their entire employee list, and use the tool to better understand their employee needs and control costs. Hip connects companies to the transportation providers they need, and offers tools to ensure a smooth employee commute. These include route planning, contact tracing, and capacity controls. The platform also offers an app that helps employees book tickets, reserve seats, and track transportation in real time.

Hip 12m B2bkorosectechcrunch business model is unique in that it not only connects companies with shuttle providers, but it also provides a turnkey employee commuter benefit application. It does this by connecting employers to bus and shuttle providers, providing route planning and contact tracing, as well as cost-sharing for employees.

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